Knox School of Theology is located in Mbale, Uganda. KSTU faculty and curriculum are designed with the following goals and ideals in view:
Priority and centrality of the church and public worship: Students should leave KSTU with a serious commitment to the centrality of the church and public worship as an essential part of our Christian’s faith.
Excellence in academics: Our curriculum is designed to be cultivated in an attitude of spiritual devotion to the Word of God and also something to be done for glory of God. Therefore, academics should be of the highest quality.
Faithful to Reformed theology: The essential focus of all the studies at KSTU is to be biblical, exegetical, Reformed in its theological, expositional and practical in nature. Special attention is giving to the 16th century Reformation as a way to retrace our roots in the Bible.
Christian worldview: Careful attention is to be devoted to the cultivation of Christian character qualities, with an aim to transform their worldview and faithfulness which are essential for godly living, for leadership and ministry and for effective involvement in serving others for Christ.
Faithful preaching of the word and sacraments: Each course at KSTU is to include significant focus on the faithful preaching of the word of God, which is Christ-centered and soul-satisfying, and the faithful ministering of the sacraments.
We are thoroughly committed to historic Christian and Protestant theology, but we welcome students from every tradition, and we look forward to the contributions of all our students from various backgrounds. As such we have created a Christian academic community of scholars and students who love God and who love each other. Like the woman at the well in John 4 who ran to tell all her friends and her community about Jesus, we hope our students will graduate from KST with such a burning love for Jesus that they cannot remain silent, but like this Samaritan woman whose heart was bursting with love for God, they go forth to tell everyone they know of the love of Jesus Christ.